about mizzi.

Friday, 15. April 2011

goodbye twoday.net!

mizzi.at will be hosted on a different server from now on. transfer in progress...
please update your bookmarks / links to http://www.mizzi.at/ and see you soon!

Thursday, 31. March 2011

mizzi move - fasten your seatbelts and update your bookmarks, please!

good news, everyone!

mizzi will soon move onto another server, finally running on wordpress, including a new look.
from then on, mizzi.twoday.net will not be updated any more.

please change your bookmarks and links to:
-> http://www.mizzi.at/

the move is planned for the beginning of april.

thank you for your attention!

Thursday, 14. October 2010

mizzi turns 4!

mizzi m

mizzi was founded on october 14th 2006, which means that my little baby is turning into a kindergarten kid ;)

light up the candles on the cake, unwrap the presents, throw some confetti into the air... yeah!
508 stories have been posted so far, the facebook fanpage has about 165 fans (+/- one or two per day) and our team has grown to 3 people in the meantime.

thank you to julia and kathrin and to everyone who reads and supports mizzi.at!

julia also posted an entry dedicated to mizzi in her blog recently. thank you again, girl!

Monday, 28. June 2010

welcome to the team: kathrin "hellokate" paulsen!

kathrin paulsen

recently, kathrin paulsen aka "hellokate" joined the mizzi blog-crew.
she will update the blog from time to time. as you can see, she has already published her first postings.

welcome aboard, kate!

Wednesday, 12. May 2010

no more anonymous commenting, sorry

as of today, the option to leave an anonymous comment has been disabled.
the blog got flooded with spam comments about mbt shoes (wtf?) recently and i got tired of deleting them all the time.

only registered users (registration is here) and SORUA guests are allowed to comment from now on.

sign up if you like or go to our facebook site to leave your comment to a story, if you're registered on facebook.

Friday, 13. November 2009

mizzi mizzi mizzi!

wow, my friend, german bmx flatland rider julia preuss, just sent me a pic of something she made:

mizzi m

isn't that amazing? thanks a lot, jule! :) you rule!

also, i just had a look into the site statistics for the mizzi site and i have to say, i'm rather content :D
the blog has about 300 visitors each month from nearly all regions of the world.
not bad! i never thought it would turn out this good.

i hope my blog helps other girls to see that sports are for everyone, that it's fun to try something new, that we are just as dedicated as guys are and that sticking with something pays of in one way or another.

i want to keep on supporting all the courageous girls out there who pave the way for all of us!

but in the end - it's all about the fun :)

thanks to all blog readers and female shredders out there!
keep on riding!

Tuesday, 9. June 2009

mizzi represent...

the german blog maedchenmannschaft has just put an interview with me about my blogging experience online, of course the most of it is about mizzi.

check it out (german only, sorry)! thanks to maedchenmannschaft!

-> http://maedchenmannschaft.net/frauen-auf-skateboards-und-bmx-radern/

Sunday, 12. October 2008

mizzi - contact me

dear readers,

if you have any news you would like to see in this blog, just go ahead and contact me - i'm always happy to get news about girls who ride, no matter how "big" or "small" the story is!
you can send in pictures of you or other girls riding bikes, skateboards, snowboards, surfboards, wakeboards, motorcycles.... and so on, send me links to online videos, anything really!

to contact me, send an e-mail to: tiphiii@gmail.com

Wednesday, 26. December 2007

mizzi banners - link to the mizzi blog


www.mizzi.at - because girls rock - female extreme sports

www.mizzi.at - because girls rock - female extreme sports

www.mizzi.at - because girls rock - female extreme sports

www.mizzi.at - because girls rock - female extreme sports

www.mizzi.at - because girls rock - female extreme sports

www.mizzi.at - because girls rock - female extreme sports

www.mizzi.at - because girls rock - female extreme sports

www.mizzi.at - because girls rock - female extreme sports

www.mizzi.at - because girls rock - female extreme sports

www.mizzi.at - because girls rock - female extreme sports

www.mizzi.at - because girls rock - female extreme sports

www.mizzi.at - because girls rock - female extreme sports

www.mizzi.at - because girls rock - female extreme sports

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you can now easily add news updates from various sites to your own blog, profile, website...
for example the nollie.tv widget, the girls learn to ride widget, or - surprise, surprise, the mizzi widget!

-> http://www.widgetbox.com/widget/nollie
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