Sunday, 7. November 2010

ana ruminha goes longboarding

ana ruminha, a snowboarder an skateboarder from croatia, enjoys autumn.
check out the smile on her face! :)

girls skateboarding network

girls skateboarding network screenshot

in the end of september, the girls skateboarding network has been founded by the side project. the side project is run by lisa whitaker and is one of the biggest female skateboarding websites since many years already.
the girls skateboarding network takes it to the next level - get connected with other riders from all over the world, upload your photos and videos and check out what others have got to show.



huegelherzblut - hearts of hills

last week, i found an interesting website - it's called huegelherzblut, a shop offering longboards and clothing for girls.
they also run a blog, hearts of hills, where they provide information on equipment aswell as stories about their adventures. of course, they also have lots of videos for you to see.

check em out!

the german website of the shop:

the blog in german and english:

about mizzi.
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